Clan 30+, Clan 30plus, Battlefield, BF1942, Battlefield Vietnam, BF2, Ghost Recon, NASCAR Racing, TFC, Urban Terror, EVE
Clan 30+,
Clan 30plus,
Battlefield Vietnam,
Ghost Recon,
NASCAR Racing,
Urban Terror

Clan 30+ Charter

Current Clan Council

Article I
Mission Statement

This gaming organization, called Clan 30+, exists for the purpose of entertainment and friendship. Regardless of the Team or game being played, we strive to present a mature attitude towards our playing, and are playing for the pure enjoyment of playing (as opposed to the mindset that we must win). However, along the way, if we should earn a league title, we will be happy to let everyone know that the "Old folks have kicked some butts!"

Article II

As opposed to being one huge team, Clan 30+ is really an association of Teams who share a common vision regarding playing for fun and honor on the field of battle. Since we are an association of 30+ Teams, Clan 30+ does not have an over all Team Leader, but is governed by a Clan 30+ Council. This document, the Clan 30+ Charter, presents the over all organizational scheme and "legal" framework of Clan 30+.

Article III
The Clan 30+ Council

SECTION A – The Clan 30+ Council membership consists of the Master at Arms and all Team Leaders.

SECTION B – Unless otherwise indicated, Council actions require a simple majority vote to pass.

SECTION C – The Clan 30+ Council is the governing body of the Clan 30+ gaming organization. It governs the organization in all decisions that affect the entire Clan 30+ organization, including, but not limited to, the following functions:

1.      The Council shall have the power to authorize the addition of new Teams to be part of Clan 30+.

2.      The Council shall have the power to authorize the dissolving of existing Teams that are no longer active or that has been requested dissolved by the Team Leader.

3.      The Council shall have the power to ratify a Team Leader’s request to expel a Member from Clan 30+.

4.      The Council shall have the power to impeach a Team Leader, when such action has been requested by a simple majority of the members of a Team. This requires a 2/3 vote of the other members of the Council. An impeached Team Leader is also automatically removed from Clan 30+ membership.

5.      The Council shall have the power to expel teams that to are not representing 30+ appropriately. This requires a unanimous vote of the members of the Council (not to include the offending Team’s Leader). All Members on an expelled Team are automatically removed from Clan 30+ membership.

6.      The Council shall have the power to establish web and email servers.

7.      The Council shall have the power to determine the minimum standards and codes of conducts for both Members and game servers.

8.      The Council shall oversee election of a Team Leader, when such a position becomes vacant, with the Master at Arms, being the Council member responsible for conducting the election.

9.      The Council shall have the power to request contributions from Members to pay debts that affect the entire Clan 30+ organization.

10.  The Council shall have the power to implement dues or fees to pay debts that affect the entire Clan 30+ organization. This requires a 2/3 vote of the members of the Council

11.   The Council shall have the power to ratify a Team Leader’s request for an alliance with another organization.

SECTION D – The Council shall meet at least once per month. The meeting shall be held during the first week of each month. The Master at Arms shall select and call the meeting at an appropriate day and time agreeable to a majority of Council Member.

Article IV
Master at Arms

SECTION A – The Master at Arms is a non-elected position. The person who currently owns the domain name is by definition the Master at Arms.

SECTION B – The Master at Arms may transfer ownership of the domain name to another Member, after consulting with the Council.

SECTION C – The Master at Arms has the following responsibilities:

1.      The Master at Arms shall keep the domain name available for use by the 30+ organization and keep it registered either by requesting the Council to approve a request for donations or personal funds.

2.      The Master at Arms shall maintain control/ownership of the 30+ Organizations IRC channels

3.      The Master at Arms shall conduct the vote in the event a Team wants to remove its current leader

4.      The Master at Arms shall conduct votes for new Team Leaders in the event of a resignation.

5.      The Master at Arms shall chair Clan 30+ Council Meetings.

Article V

A 30+ Team is a group of people all playing the same game and who are actively gaming (i.e. scrims, leagues, etc), and functioning as a Team.  Each 30+ Team is responsible for securing and handling their own recruits, members, and servers.  Each 30+ Team will choose their Team Leader by majority vote.  New 30+ Teams can be added by action of the Team 30+ Council.

Article VI
Team Leaders

SECTION A – A Team Leader is elected by the Members of the Team. If no one person receives a majority of the votes cast, a run off will be held between the top two vote getters. If the run off results in a tie, the Master at Arms shall cast the deciding vote.

SECTION B – The Team Leader is responsible for all functions of his/her Team including, but not limited to, the following

1.      A Team Leader shall ensure that all Team Members meet the Clan 30+ Membership Standards.

2.      A Team Leader shall ensure the Team Members conduct themselves within the Clan 30+ Membership Code of Conduct.

3.      A Team Leader shall ensure that any game server bearing the 30+ name is operated according to the Clan 30+ Server Rules

4.      A Team Leader shall have the authority to determine the level of punishment for a code of conduct violation.

5.      A Team Leader shall maintain an up-to-date Roster for their Team and have it posted on the 30+ Web Site. The date each member joined Team 30+ shall be maintained within this Roster.

6.      A Team Leader shall organize and obtain game servers as needed to compete and function as a Team.

7.      A Team Leader shall ensure their Team is compliant with the rules of any League they are currently playing in.

8.      A Team Leader shall recruit players for open slots on his/her Team as needed. Recruits can be dropped at any time, at the discretion of the Team Leader.

9.      A Team Leader shall determine when to advance a recruit to a full Member.

10.  A Team Leader shall, if necessary, request the Council to expel a Member.

11.  A Team Leader shall have the authority to pursue alliances with other external teams, upon ratification by the Council.

12.  A Team Leader shall determine the method of selection for members of league teams within their team. League status is considered a privilege and requires the highest adherence to 30+ philosophy and codes of conduct

13.  A Team Leader shall determine any Team specific rules and/or operating procedures (as long as they do not conflict with a Team 30+ rule or operating procedure) and post them on the Teams web site

14.  A Team Leader shall determine the method of selection and the number of other offices (i.e. Defense Lead, League Coordinator, etc) needed on their Team. Members serving in such offices, serve at the discretion of the Team Leader. In addition, if the Team Leader vacates his office for any reason, all other offices underneath him/her are considered vacated at the same time.

Article VII
Clan 30+ Membership Standards

SECTION A – A person MUST meet the following minimum membership standards:

1.      A potential Recruit must be at least 29 1/2 years old.

2.      A Member must be at least 30 years old

SECTION B – 30+ Members may play in multiple teams or clans as long as the following conditions are met.

1.      Playing on a second team or clan must not be in direct violation of any league rule for the mod you are playing.

2.      The final decision rests with the team leader.

Clan 30+ in no way endorses the use of ‘ringers’ or any un-sportsmanship conduct. The council has seen to the needs of clan members that wish to play multiple games and would like to help accommodate their fun time.

Article VIII
Clan  30+ Membership Code of Conduct

SECTION A – A Member or Recruit must conduct themselves, whether in forums, in email messages, or on servers within the following Code of Conduct:

1.      Make no public charges of cheating. If you have proof, contact your Team Leader and they will pursue the matter as they determine best.

2.      No trash talk. (i.e. swearing, racist comments, racist jokes, etc)

3.      Always present yourself in a Mature manner….you are representing Clan 30+.

4.      Do not abuse your Administration privileges on 30+ Servers.

Forum Specific Conduct & Rules
For members AND non-members

SECTION B –The forums are a privilege and not a right. If you abuse them you will lose the privilege. They are here for all to enjoy. Respect all others regardless of their likes, dislikes, race, creed, or religious beliefs. Everyone has the right to maintain the atmosphere that is fun for everyone without vulgar, or abrasive language.

The mention or posting of political, religious, sexually discriminatory, or racially sensitive material is not allowed.
This includes avatars, signatures, and pictures.  This is a gaming clan, and only gaming and/or computer related topics, avatars, signatures, or pictures are allowed.

Your help is greatly appreciated.

We are all adults and can understand any type of punishment you will receive for said violation.
Be nice or pay the price.

Before you post,   ...   Think.

SECTION C – Violations: The council reserves the right to delete posts that are in violation of the charter or violate common decency without warning.

If you are found in violation of the forums rules:

1.      You will be sent a Private Message from your team leader, or a council member if team leader is not available, as a reminder of what is expected behavior suitable for the forums. This will be your only warning.

2.      On a second violation your posts will be approved by a council member before posting to the forums for a period of 15 days. This means all forums, including your team’s forums.

3.      On the third violation you will be banned from the forums (including private and team forums) until the next council meeting. At which time the council will make a decision on appropriate punishment. This will be based on the offending team leader suggestions and the offense. This can include removal from 30+. You will be informed by your team leader the results of the council meeting. If the team leader is not available a member of the council will contact you about the results.

Most importantly, this is a family values clan and people of all ages come here, so please act accordingly.

Article IX
Clan  30+ Server Rules

If a server is to bear the 30+ name, the server must conform to the following rules:

1.      No Trash Talk is allowed on 30+ Servers. This includes swearing, name-calling, racist language, or racist jokes. This also includes the use of such language within Handles.

2.      No racist or pornographic logos (e.g. in TFC)

3.      It is strongly encouraged, that all Members (not recruits) who request the privilege should be given the capability to be able to kick/ban and change maps. Any additional privileges, (e.g. start/stop server, etc) shall be given out at the discretion of the Server Owner and the Team Leader. If any of these privileges are abused, at the discretion of the Server Owner and/or Team Leader, all privileges will be revoked.

Article X
Modification of the Charter

A Council Member may propose changes to this Charter as needed and upon approval of 3/4 of the Council Members, the change is approved and the Charter is updated.

Clan 30+, Clan 30plus, Battlefield, BF1942, Battlefield Vietnam, BF2, Ghost Recon, NASCAR Racing, TFC, Urban Terror, EVE